Saturday 19 July 2008

Adam's Essays - False Folk Consciousness

The Marxist theory of False Class Consciousness, simply expressed, pictures the working class as falsely believing themselves to be a free and valued, but actually trapped by capitalist oppression. For the Marxist, just as much as for the Capitalist if not more, everything is about money and economic pressure, and therefore ridiculously far removed from the human experience and what it means to be human. Not that Marxism ever really got anything right.

That said, the Marxists were on to something in the broad strokes. The little I've read on False Class Consciousness also refers to a Marxist call to action for the working class from being an oppressed and deluded class to being a class in itself and for itself, and here the Marxists grasped a fundamental concept. The root of any mass populace problem lies in the mass mind of that populace. Where Marx's working class was pictured as being enslaved and ground-down, where Marxists falsely see everything in terms of capital, economics and class, we see, and see truly, everything in the light of the people and civilisations concerned. More specifically, the folk and civilisations concerned.

While worker and capitalist 'classes' are less and less an issue, still less a fixed one, in a 'developed world' more switched over to the service and bureaucratic lines of work than any other, our ethnic and cultural group (the white folk indigenous to Europe and the founders of the civilised nations outside it, such as the USA, Australia, South Africa and others) is truly trapped and deluded as to its 'freedom'. This is a direct result of a False Folk Consciousness (FFC), which simultaneously holds that the White Race does not exist, and that White Guilt is nonetheless an appropriate and moral thing for all members of the White Race to have. Logic and consistent thought have never been strengths of the Left.

One sees examples of FFC in myriad ways, from the colonial guilt which the blogger Fjordman refers to and wonders why his own nation, never a colonial one, must suffer it, to the Holocaust Guilt repeatedly invoked against (White) Europeans by Jewish pressure groups and their fellow travellers, to accusations of 'racism' from all and sundry when the Most Oppressed Group of the week doesn't get what it wants and throws its toys from the pram. Be it moslems, blacks, or any other pressure group, official or otherwise, all other races know how to act in unison and band together for their own gain. This is a behaviour which is not only not active amongst whites, but often actively discouraged and sometimes banned and criminalised for whites, a behaviour which looks for the gain and survival of the group as a whole, a survival behaviour. Put simply, a group which does not undertake survival behaviours will not survive. We must leave the False Folk Consciousness behind us and move on as a co-operating group, or face inevitable extinction.

How, then, did we get here? How did this happen? It may seem trite and cliché to blame television, society, and the politicians, but sometimes it's true, and certainly in this case. Consider the BNP as an example, or rather the reactions of the media and political circuses to them. The BNP are not hardliners (especially in comparison to groups like the BPP, the Blood and Honour movement, the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) and others) yet the reaction to anything that evokes the name BNP brings shrieks of horror and claims that gas chambers, camps and other nonsenses will immediately follow even a discussion of the BNP. This is not reason, it is not open-mindedness, it is the hysteria of many stunted minds reacting in concert to a Pavlovian lesson, Other = Good, Indigenous White = Bad, a lesson taught in varying degrees of subtlety but undoubted levels of success by all mainstream media and political influences. We have, as a society and race, been brainwashed, and it is time stop going with the flow and start thinking for ourselves.

A discussion of the main methods of the brainwashing and how we can free ourselves (and others) from it merits an essay in itself. Suffice to say for now that we must begin to question every line and detail of the main media and political voices. When a politician pretends to be concerned about 'knife crime', ask yourselves when knives began levitating and acting on their own, ask yourselves why the politician isn't talking about the perpetrators, but the weapons they used. When a charity poster shows a black child and a white child playing happily together, or an abominable race-mixing relationship occurring, ask yourselves why this is being thrown repeatedly into all our faces. You know, of course, as do I, that it is simple repetition unto the exhaustion of repulsion, a war of psychological attrition in which we are supposed to get tired of resisting long before the enemy gets tired of 'enlightening' us, but the repetition of asking yourself, of analysing the enemy's methods, will strengthen you and enable you to see clearly through the smoke and mirrors surrounding us.

The alternative to the False Folk Consciousness, what I believe we should strive towards, is the exact opposite. Not 'hatred' of other races, as our enemies would paint it, but a realisation that we are a people of and for ourselves, a love for our own race, True Folk Realisation. Unlike some others, I'm not talking about genotypes, scientific groundings, and DNA strings, nor am I talking about Right and Left-wing political stances. Science is mere observation, today it may back us up, tomorrow the enemy may twist it to serve their unnatural and inhuman ends, while Left and Right wing politics are merely distractions, things to be transcended in the search for the best outcome for our own race, and a human and compassionate resolution for all races wherever possible. Humans, especially that most cultured and developed breed which is the White Race, do not, cannot live on the basis of what is in a manifesto or claimed to be under a microscope. Humans live by blood, by faith, by loyalty and love, and it is those things which tell all who view the world clearly that we Whites are one race, one blood.

Make no mistake, we are united globally by our white race. Be it French heritage, English, German, Australian, we are not under attack for our nationality, nor our faith, nor our politics. The scum who tortured Kriss Donald to death didn't stop for an assessment of his heritage and belief system, they were looking for a white boy to kill and they found one. Can anyone say with a straight face and a sane mind that the same is not true of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom? Or the motorist who made the comment reported in this article discussing the murder of white Terry Gregory by a black 'person':

On the 18th of January 2004, the National Front demonstrated in Woolwich, in memory of Terry Gregory.

They were heckled and jeered along the route of the march by a group of Anti-Nazi League supporters. The marchers did not respond.

A passing motorist slowed down, wound down his window and was heard to say:

"One down, ten million to go".

The police who were present at the demonstration, did nothing.

The motorist was black.

We are the enemy to such 'people' because we are White, and it is no falsity, no convenient invention, to claim a common bond through that global targeting. The fact of our common origin in Europe only bolsters that, changing it from a present political and social danger to similar people to a real and present danger to a greatly extended family. Unless we realise this and begin to act in concert, towards a True Folk Realisation for all Whites globally, our days are numbered.

One down, ten million to go.

Thursday 10 July 2008

Adam's Neologisms - Xenophile

Another new word, previously mentioned at the Gunslinger's place, "Xenophile". We're often rebuked and reviled as 'xenophobes', we White Nationalists and racial realists, but it's just not true. A phobia is an irrational and disproportionate fear of something, totally out of synch with the reality of the object. Is it irrational and disproportionate to be concerned about sexual and violent misbehaviour from a group with a known record of this? Is it irrational and disproportionate to be concerned about meddling and treasonous behaviour from a group with a known record of that? Of course not!

We are not phobic in anyway, there is nothing wrong or unnatural about our reactions. Rather, those accusing us are paraphiliacs, specifically xenophiliacs. A paraphilia is "any of several persistent, intense sexual interests, fantasies, or urges", and while not all xenophiliacs are sexually involved with the objects of their desires, the strength and passion aroused are definitely up there with those of better-known paraphilias. A Xenophile is a paraphiliac afflicted (yes, afflicted, it is a disorder of the mind) with the lust for anything Other and a consequent disdain (in mild cases) or hatred (in extreme cases) for the non-White, non-Western world.

Why non-White, non-Western? Because the society we made is civilisation today. I don't deny that other races have made achievements, some much more than others (while some oriental peoples made empires and cultures, other non-whites just made mud huts and sat in the sun) but only we have made a civilisation that people will kill to get into and risk their own lives to gain access to. Only we have Mozart, Beethoven, Dante, Shakespeare, Babbage, Virgil, Dickens, Jefferson, Washington, Clausewitz, and so on. The list could fill volumes, and probably did before education and printing became 'multicultural'. Only we have made the great civilisation in the ruins of which we live today. The Xenophiles love the Other, the antithesis of that ascendancy of the Human which our people and culture have made so much progress in. It is not pathological to prefer one's own, but it is pathological to prefer the Other to the light and order of our people.

Adam's Neologisms - "EnviroStasi"

The other day I commented on a post by the Gunslinger on some political nut spouting off on 'global warming'. I said that maybe the global warming meme was inserted into popular thought to legitimize government meddling, and to restrict public thought. If we're all 'in this together' in the 'threat' of global warming, then the enviroStasi meddling is 'for our own good'. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

Gunslinger liked the term EnviroStasi and kindly mentioned it in a new post. I think we all need to start using terms like Stasi, commie, Marxist and so on as terms of abuse more often. People are too ready to call everything they don't like 'Nazi' or 'fascist', and so not only do the terms lose real meaning in conversation, but the real good which the Nazis and the fascists did is forgotten, and the real and continuing evils which the communists then and now committed and commit are also forgotten. That can't be allowed.

In East Germany alone, the Stasi (communist secret police) created and maintained a police state with the populace in perpetual fear of neighbours and family informing on them. The purges, tortures and disappearances of the Russian communist regime are more reasons the communists deserve to be vilified far more than any 'Nazi' or 'fascist' ever could.

Remember, 'communist' is a dirty word, almost as dirty as the filthy ideology it refers to.

Saturday 5 July 2008

Muggy Heat

I don't like this weather. The heat brings all the animals out, all the vermin come creeping out of their corners and from under the stones, and before you know it the place is infested. If it were proper heat, you could see the animals for what they are, could deal with them properly. If it were cold, you could feel the exhilaration of the ice in the air, you would feel properly alive again, and the animals would slink away. But this muggy heat, this lukewarm climate, dulls the senses and the mind and leaves us open to all kinds of threats we wouldn't normally have any threat from.

Let the clouds come, let the heavens open. Let the storm front break out into our lands and our hearts, and with flood and fury cleanse the earth and its people. Let the storm wash us clean, and then...

Let us be free.

Is "Hate" the Answer?

Browsing Stormfront lately, I see that yet another white woman has had enough and joined our ranks, signing up to Stormfront and hopefully starting on the path to being a convinced White Nationalist with pride in our race and people. Most reactions were good and positive, welcoming the lady to the best-known White Nationalist site, but one poster (this was the Open Forums area, after all) wanted to try to warn the new member away from us.

Most of the warning post was typical liberal failure to connect the dots, and not really very interesting to me (a lot of what antis write and say isn't very interesting) but one thing stood out:

"X, I am not a White Nationalist, but I did want to say I do understand the frustrations you are feeling. Many Americans are angry with what is going on in this country.

...The difference is that I do not believe the answer to our problems is becoming a White Nationalist. Do you really think hate is the answer? I know they say they don't hate, but if you listen to what they have to say it is cloaked but still there. The quality that this country needs so much right now is LOVE."

Poor thing, she just doesn't get it. It's not that we White Nationalists hate that makes us so 'dangerous', so much of a threat to the current powers that be who threaten our way of life and very existence. It's that we love. And for all that this poor deluded anti goes on to talk about love, for self, for nation, for society, I don't think she'll ever understand it as well as we do. We White Nationalists love our race, our brothers and sisters in blood and faith, and that is our motivation. Not hatred. If we hate, we hate only that which threatens that which we love, those who we love. And how can that be wrong? How can it be healthy in any way to not hate that which threatens those you love?

We're the healthiest, strongest, happiest group there is, we White Nationalists, because we believe and love as God and Nature intend. With love, and pride, and honour, we and not those in positions of bought power, are the great and the good. And tomorrow belongs to us.